Luciano Gazzola
Luciano Gazzola bg

Loving Memory for Luciano Gazzola

A Modern Day Thank You for Being a Great Husband & Dad

Dormire in Pace

March 20, 1937 - February 18, 1983

Luciano Gazzola

Personal Eulogies & Prayers

Prayer for the dead by Doris Gazzola

May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain, but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently, and found me (the Lord grant to him to find the Lord's mercy on that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.

New Testament: 2 Timothy 1:16–1:18

Prayer for Luciano Gazzola

Prayer for my Father by daughter Laura

Mighty Warrior, I pray for divine strength for my father’s life. I pray that he stays on his guard; stands firm in the faith; remains courageous and strong! I pray that he is given divine strength to withstand the attacks of the enemy with the help of the Scriptures. You are everything that my father needs to be victorious, so I pray that You remain at my father’s right hand. I also pray that Your word remains in his heart, Amen.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Eulogy Luciano Gazzola

Prayer for my Father by daughter Liana

Omniscient God, thank You for blessing me with an earthly father who has been a reflection of Your word on a daily basis. My father has been a husband that has honored his wife and has treated my mother with understanding as they live together. Unlike how society shows me, my father has shown me how a woman should be respected and cared for. I pray that the things that my father’s life has shown me will encourage me to be obedient to Your word also, Amen.

1 Peter 3:7

Eulogy Luciano Gazzola

Prayer for my Father by daughter Dina

King of Kings, I declare that You will be the source that my father turns to in times of counsel and guidance. Lord, You are faithful, even in times when my father (and I) has been faithless, for You cannot disown Yourself. I thank You for this word of encouragement; Lord, give my father the strength to remain faithful to You for You are good. Lord, You are the best source of counsel and guidance because You have his best interests at heart, Amen.

2 Timothy 2:13

Eulogy Luciano Gazzola

Eulogy by son Remo

Dad, Thank You for pioneering solid integrity and work ethics into our family for generations to come. I value everything that you have committed to our family and love and devote everything that you have done for us. Your children are strong because of you and we absolutely love you so much.

Dad, you took fashion cues from no one. Dad’s signature every day look was all his: a plain muscle shirt designed by the fashion house Fruit of the Loom, cost-effectively over worn construction trousers and steel toe boots. Dad was often found sporting a construction hard hat as a makeshift crash helmet for riding his motorcycle down Edward Street in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The tears of laughter flowed generously!

I remember vividly when I was five years old, Dad making me a spinning TOP from a 2x4 using a skill saw with the saw’s blade safety shaft wired open and using his bare hands. Incredible how he did not lose any fingers doing this as that 2x4 was jumping everywhere. Health and Safety would have your nuts today Dad!! I remember playing with that spinning TOP for months winding masonry line around the top of the TOP and just throwing it and it would spin forever!

It was not always good times though, Dad had to work 7 days a week to keep the company running which meant hanging out with Dad was waking up at 6am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to go to work, then back to school on Monday. He would always bring Candy, our dog, along to work to keep me entertained when I wasn’t lifting heavy blocks, bricks or cement up copious amounts of scaffolding. Oh, and better yet, -40 degree weather and a few propane heaters, not to keep me warm, but to thaw the sand to make cement lol!! Yea, I still miss that, kept it real (the ethics) my entire life :o)

Rest in Peace Dad,

Love Remo

Eulogy Luciano Gazzola

To the outstanding man and exceptional father,

I never got to thank

Dear Dad,

Thank you for:

Making me stilts and teaching me to walk around the neighbourhood taller than anyone,

Building a swimming pool with plywood and plastic,

Beaten egg yolks, sugar and cream, I begged for every morning,

Emptying your pocket full of change in my little hands,

Taking us on car rides for a change of scenery when money was tight,

Raising the car roof every time we went under a bridge,

Pretending you didn't notice when I brought home another stray cat,

Letting me drink wine when mom said no,

Insisting we drank brandy when we had colds,

Teaching me to ride a motorcycle even when I was far too young,

Spending all your spare time with your family, including weekend excursions to parks (Chippewa park) and events, even when you were exhausted,

Rides on the back of the motorcycle,

Working early mornings and late in the evening to keep food on the table; and

Most of all, thank you for your generous heart, caring touch and all the extra-extraordinary things you did to make me feel loved and special. You will never be forgotten.

Forever in my heart and never will be forgotten,

Eulogy Luciano Gazzola

Dad's Home Village, Fonte Alto, Treviso Italy

Dad's home village Fonte Alto

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